Accreditation - Certification - Notification

  • Testing, monitoring and certification body (PÜZ) for metal products; testing body according to § 20 para. 5 MBO (notified body for the field of DIN EN 1090-2 and 3, DIN V 4113-3, DIN EN ISO 17660)
  • SLV Halle GmbH is a co-operation partner of DVS ZERT GmbH and carries out audits in the manufacturing plants on its behalf. DVS ZERT GmbH conducts the certification of the factory production control within the framework of the construction products regulation (such as EN 1090-1)and the certification according to DIN EN 15085-2 for the welding of railway vehicles and components
  • Testing, monitoring and certification body (PÜZ) for reinforcing bars, reinforcing steel connections and steel anchoring
  • Inspection body for railway-typical tests on components of railway vehicles
  • Accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (Accreditation certificate D-PL-17369-02-00)
  • Inspection body for the certification of personnel according to the Pressure Equipment Directive (recognized by DVS-PersZert)
  • Certification by CERTQUA as approved body for the support of further professional training according to AZAV for the fields of joining, cutting, coating and non-destructive testing
  • Accredited training center for qualification and certification of  NDT personnel for the methods Visual Testing (VT), Penetrant Testing (PT), Magnetic Testing (MT), Radiographic Testing (classical, digital, film analysis), Ultrasonic Testing (classical, Phased Array, TOFD) and Infrared Thermography Testing (TT) according to DIN EN ISO 9712 (approval by TÜV Nord Systems GmbH & Co. KG)
  • Recognized training centre for the KOR-Schein certificate for corrosion protection according to ZTV-ING, part 4, section 3 (recognized by the Training Council KOR-Schein at the Bundesverband Korrosionsschutz e.V.)
  • Recognized training centre for the training of international welding specialists (IWS), welding technologists (IWT), welding engineers (IWE) and welding inspection personnel (IWIP) as well as international welders (recognized by DVS-PersZert)