Retraining as a materials tester certified by the chamber of commerce

Retraining is based on government regulations for professional training as a materials tester, and focuses on metals. Materials testers achieve six certificates recognised across Europe for major non-destructive materials testing methods according to DIN EN ISO 9712 in addition to a professional chamber of commerce certificate.
These include visual inspection, radiographic inspection, ultrasonic testing, penetration testing, magnetic particle testing and radiation protection.
The wide-ranging qualification secures a wide range of usable expertise in various sectors of the economy such as automotive engineering, steel, equipment, pipeline and tank construction, hardening shops and foundries, and the chemical industry.

Training duration
24 months
Begin: 23 August 2018
End: 28 August 2020

Candidates may join until 31 October 2018 assuming preconditions are satisfied

Training content:

  • Basics of materials testing
  • Fundamentals of physics and technology
  • Length measurement equipment
  • Technical drawing
  • Fundamentals of materials engineering

Work planning
Creating workflows and documentation

Quality assurance
Designing quality assurance systems
Handling raw materials, tools and devices

Technical mathematics
Strength calculations, test calculations

Destructive testing methods
Process testing, heat treatment, metallography, failure analysis

Non-destructive testing methods
Visual inspection; magnetic particle, radiographic, penetration, ultrasonic testing; radiation protection

Final examination at the Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Theoretical and practical examination

Funding according to the German Social Code (SGB III) may be submitted at the respective JobCentre.


Stefan Koch
Phone   +49 345 5246-229    
Fax       +49 345 5246-222
Fax  koch(at)

Stefanie Ponsold

Phone  +49 345 5246-220
Fax      +49 345 5246-222
Fax  ponsold(at)