57 results:

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy: Your data in good handsData privacy is a matter of trust, and your trust is important to us. We respect your right to privacy as an individual, and the protection, lawful collection,

Residual stress measurement

Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-200 fax: +49 345 5246-222 email: wt@slv-halle.de Information Residual stress measurement The materials engineering department at SLV Halle GmbH has been equipped with residual


Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH Privacy Policy: Your data in good hands Data privacy is a matter of trust, and your trust is important to us. We respect your right to privacy as an individual, and

Destructive testing

Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-200 fax: +49 345 5246-222 email: wt@slv-halle.de Destructive testing SLV Halle GmbH has the requisite knowledge and experience in destructive materials testing as well as the


General Standard Terms and Conditions for Services of SLV Halle GmbH (SLV) 1 Scope of these Terms and Conditions 1.1 These General Standard Terms and Conditions (GSTC) apply to all contractual and precontractual

AGB SLV Halle GmbH - englisch.doc

AGB SLV Halle GmbH - englisch.doc General Standard Terms and Conditions for Services of SLV Halle GmbH (SLV) 1 1.1 These General Standard Terms and Conditions (GSTC) apply to all contractual and pre-contractual


General Standard Terms and Conditions for Services of SLV Halle GmbH (SLV) 1 1.1 These General Standard Terms and Conditions (GSTC) apply to all contractual and pre-contractual relations with companies, businessmen,


R&D cooperation A variety of models and financing options are available for collaboration with companies, welding equipment suppliers and other R&D institutions: Research and development projects for competitive

Laser and electron beam welding

Ytterbium fibre laser AL 300 manual laser workstation Micro-electron-beam welding Contact Phone:+49 345 5246-500 Fax:+49 345 5246-403 email:fue@slv-halle.de  Laser and electron-beam welding Most

Pressure welding

Resistance welding technology Stud welding technology Ultrasound welding technology Contact Phone:+49 345 5246-500 Fax:+49 345 5246-403 email:fue@slv-halle.de Pressure welding Pressure welding techniques use
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