78 results:


Event location Hungexpo Albertirsai út 10. 1101 Budapest , Hungary Evening program Hungarian Museum of Railway Vehicles H - 1142 Budapest, Tatai út 95. https://vasuttortenetipark.hu Departure for the

Theoretical training

Contact Phone: +49 345 5246-400 fax: +49 345 5246-340 email: auw@slv-halle.de  Theoretical training Each welding training programme includes several theoretical courses held according to international

GSI SLV Welding Trainer

The GSI SLV welding trainer system Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-600/-500 email: marketing@slv-halle.de Welding Trainer Video Information The GSI SLV welding trainer system is a computerised welding simulator. The


… hinaus gehende,…


Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH Privacy Policy: Your data in good hands Data privacy is a matter of trust, and your trust is important to us. We respect your right to privacy as an individual, and

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy: Your data in good handsData privacy is a matter of trust, and your trust is important to us. We respect your right to privacy as an individual, and the protection, lawful collection,


Terms of participation for training, examination and certification at SLV Halle GmbH 1. Prerequisites for participation Entitled to participate in courses/examinations are those that fulfil the prescribed prerequisites

Terms of participation

Terms of participation for training, examination and certification at SLV Halle GmbH 1.    Prerequisites for participation Entitled to participate in courses/examinations are those that fulfil the


InnoKom Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte Elektronenstrahlfügen von EBM‐ generierten, mehrdimensionalen Hartmetallstrukturen auf Grundkörper hoher Zähigkeit Laufzeit: Projektleiter: 11/2012 – 10/2014 Dipl.‐ Ing. (FH)


FAT-Schnitt Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH Härte an Brennschnittkanten und in Strahlschweißverbindungen Laufzeit: Projektleiter: 02/2015 – 10/2016 Dr.-Ing. Bernd Kranz Mit Einführung der
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