56 results:


Imprint Website provider: Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH  Köthener Straße 33a 06118 Halle (Saale) Contact: Tel.:         +49 345 5246-0 Fax:

SLV Halle - Legal notices

SLV Halle - Legal notices Legal notices Information pursuant to the German Telemedia Act (TMG) §5 Website provider according to TMG §5: Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH Köthener Straße 33a 06118

Destructive testing

Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-200 fax: +49 345 5246-222 email: wt@slv-halle.de Destructive testing SLV Halle GmbH has the requisite knowledge and experience in destructive materials testing as well as the

Cast-iron welding

Cast-iron-welding Welding courses fees (VAT-free) Dates on request. Entrance during course possible. Cast-iron welding according to DVS® 1149 – training and qualification testing for cast-iron welding Duration

Terms of participation

Terms of participation for training, examination and certification at SLV Halle GmbH 1.    Prerequisites for participation Entitled to participate in courses/examinations are those that fulfil the


Terms of participation for training, examination and certification at SLV Halle GmbH 1. Prerequisites for participation Entitled to participate in courses/examinations are those that fulfil the prescribed prerequisites

GSI SLV Welding Trainer

The GSI SLV welding trainer system Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-600/-500 email: marketing@slv-halle.de Welding Trainer Video Information The GSI SLV welding trainer system is a computerised welding simulator. The


von EBM‐…


Event location Hungexpo Albertirsai út 10. 1101 Budapest , Hungary Evening program Hungarian Museum of Railway Vehicles H - 1142 Budapest, Tatai út 95. https://vasuttortenetipark.hu Departure for the

Pressure welding

Resistance welding technology Stud welding technology Ultrasound welding technology Contact Phone:+49 345 5246-500 Fax:+49 345 5246-403 email:fue@slv-halle.de Pressure welding Pressure welding techniques use
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