98 results:

Education, seminars and work shops

Contactperson Veronika Kasparek phone:  +49 345 5246-353 fax:      +49 345 5246-340 email: tagungen@slv-halle.de Seminars for welding supervisors and internal production control managers

GSI SLV Welding Trainer

The GSI SLV welding trainer system Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-600/-500 email: marketing@slv-halle.de Welding Trainer Video Information The GSI SLV welding trainer system is a computerised welding simulator. The

Microsoft Word - 79 2 FB 004.1 musteranlage_PL_20130214_v1.211

Microsoft Word - 79 2 FB 004.1 musteranlage_PL_20130214_v1.211 Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH Anlage zur Akkreditierungsurkunde D-PL-17369-02-00 nach DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Gültigkeitsdauer: 26.07.2018 bis


FAT-Schnitt Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH Härte an Brennschnittkanten und in Strahlschweißverbindungen Laufzeit: Projektleiter: 02/2015 – 10/2016 Dr.-Ing. Bernd Kranz Mit Einführung der

Arc welding

MIG/MAG welding 6-axis robot with 2-axis positioner and gas metal arc welding equipment from OTC Daihen Europe GmbH Submerged-arc welding Submerged-arc double-wire unit Robot, linear portals and power sources in any


Event location Hungexpo Albertirsai út 10. 1101 Budapest , Hungary Evening program Hungarian Museum of Railway Vehicles H - 1142 Budapest, Tatai út 95. https://vasuttortenetipark.hu Departure for the

Quality Assurance

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Education & Training

Education & Training We hold qualification programmes to train our clients’ staff in welding, joining and testing at the highest professional level. Our programmes are based on the principles set out in the German

Testing, Inspection and Certification Centre (PÜZ)

Contact phone:+49 345 5246-300 fax:+49 345 5246-372 email:qs@slv-halle.de

Welding supervisor certification

Contact: Phon:   +49 345 5246-900 Fax:     +49 345 5246-340 email:  anmeldung@slv-halle.de  Welding supervisor certification Participants DVS-IIW welding supervisors
Search results 41 until 50 of 98