89 results:

Construction and manufacturing onsite supervision

Contact phone:+49 345 5246-300 fax:+49 345 5246-372 email:qs@slv-halle.de Construction and manufacturing onsite supervision Welding inspections have been a core activity at SLV Halle GmbH since our company’s

Additive Manufacturing

Contact Phone:+49 345 5246-500 Fax:+49 345 5246-403 email:fue@slv-halle.de   Welding robots Additive manufacturing Additive manufacturing as a research speciality is still a new addition to the repertoire at

Practical training

Contact Phone: +49 345 5246-900 Fax: +49 345 5246-340 email: anmeldung@slv-halle.de Practical training Practical training encompasses professional and further training as well as welding qualification tests in the

Calculation, dimensioning and design

Contact phone:+49 345 5246-300 fax:+49 345 5246-372 email:qs@slv-halle.de  Calculation, dimensioning and design Every single industrial sector requires documented logs, records and reports on loadbearing

Welding supervisor certification

Contact: Phon:   +49 345 5246-900 Fax:     +49 345 5246-340 email:  anmeldung@slv-halle.de  Welding supervisor certification Participants DVS-IIW welding supervisors

Materials engineering



Contact Initial specialist consultation Professional and further training auw@slv-halle.de +49 345 52 46 400 Arc welding fue@slv-halle.de +49 345 52 46 500 Pressure welding

Radiographic testing (RT)

Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-200 fax: +49 345 5246-222 email: wt@slv-halle.de Radiographic testing (RT) Radiographic testing is mainly used for detecting internal irregularities, especially material defects such

Accreditation - Certification - Notification

Contact phone:+49 345 5246-300 fax:+49 345 5246-372 email:qs@slv-jalle.de Accreditation - Certification - Notification Testing, monitoring and certification body (PÜZ) for metal products; testing body according

DIN EN ISO 17660

die …
Search results 61 until 70 of 89