89 results:

Ultrasonic testing (UT)

Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-200 fax: +49 345 5246-222 email: wt@slv-halle.de Ultrasonic testing (UT) Ultrasonic testing is particularly suitable for detecting surface defects such as cracks and defects in welded

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance Certification We inform, review and confirm with our certain industrial recognised auditors the fulfilment about your . ... More Construction and manufacturing onsite supervision One of our

Ultrasound welding technology

Ultrasound welding technology Ultrasonic linear welding machine Telsonic Sonic frequency fS = 20 kHz Amplitude AS,max = 35 µm Max welding force FS,max = 4 kN Supports time, distance, energy, power-dependent

Professional and further training

Contact: Phone:     +49 345 5246-600 email:      marketing@slv-halle.de  Professional and further training Professional and further training according to German

Zertifizierungen 08-2018 eng

Zertifizierungen 08-2018 eng Quality Assurance Accreditation Certification Notification SLV Halle GmbH • Testing, monitoring and certification body (PÜZ) for metal products; testing body according to § 20 para. 5 MBO

Non-destructive testing

Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-354 email: ponsold@slv-halle.de Non-destructive testing SLV Halle GmbH provides non-destructive testing using conventional and new testing methods to customer specifications using

GSI SLV welding trainer

Contact: Phone:     +49 345 5246-600 email:      marketing@slv-halle.de  GSI SLV welding trainer SLV Halle GmbH was the world’s first company to launch a computer-aided welding


Bestellformular-eng Online register for railway vehicles - order form Fax to: +49 345 5246-412 or Email: schmidt@slv-halle.de  I am interested in the Item 1 Light version of the online register for rail vehicles and

Rabar welding

Rabar welding General Welders require specialised training and test certification according to DIN EN ISO 17660 Part 1 to weld rebar. Contact: Phone: +49 345 5246-400 email:  auw@slv-halle.de
Search results 71 until 80 of 89